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Saturday 9th July – Saturday 16th July 2022


THE FIFTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Dear parishioners, Letters of praise and complaints. We received thanks and praise from the Association for Latin Liturgy for our hosting of The Chant Day last Saturday and I’d like to share these messages from emails with you.

1. Many thanks to you for hosting so successful a chant day on Saturday. Especial thanks are due to your exceptionally willing and able parishioners, Annette, Melissa and Tony, to Marlena and those who helped her with the furniture shifting and catering (one of the best meals we’ve ever had at one of our gatherings), to Helen at the organ, to members of the choir and other parishioners who came, and to the youngsters who attended such a long day. Paul and I discussed the possibility on some future occasion of providing separate tuition for young parishioners. It was a pleasure to see thirty people there for the day. B.M.

2. Another ALL member wrote saying ‘ it was so very successful a day - the best of its kind that we have done so far and a template for possible future events. This was largely due to your efforts in drumming up support and because of the hard work of your lovely parishioners, who are clearly right behind you in what you are doing at St Thomas More. I hope everyone who attended enjoyed and got a lot from the day - they certainly seemed to’.

It is so easy to be disheartened by what is happening in the Church, but days like yesterday provide a real antidote and boost to one's morale. I look forward to coming over again before too long. B.D.

I also thank the Association for Latin Liturgy for all the support they have given us and for all we learned last Saturday.

As mentioned before, we are only a little parish, but in our little way, we aim high in the solemn Sunday Latin liturgy. This is celebrated for the glory of God with an ever growing choir and soloists, top class organist, large team of altar boys, dutiful stewards and readers, and all following the directives of Vatican II and its document on the liturgy ‘Sacrosanctum Concilium’ in which Latin and Gregorian Chant continue to be given ‘first place’ in Catholic Worship. This significant document, referred to by The Pope in his new letter, can be read, via the link below:

To this end, at the Sunday 11 o’clock mass we have also followed Pope John Paul II’s guidance:

‘..the Christian community must make an examination of conscience so that the beauty of music and hymnody will return once again to the liturgy. They should purify worship from ugliness of style, from distasteful forms of expression, from uninspired musical texts which are not worthy of the great act that is being celebrated’ (from a general audience on February 23rd 2003)

For nearly four years now, we have been doing our best to implement this, although it is always God’s work, the opus dei, in progress.

I will listen to anyone who considers we are not fulfilling what is required in a parish mass as stated in Sacrosanctum Concilium of Vatican II and the rubrics of the Paul VI missal and to change direction if we are not; based not on personal feelings, but what is written, instructed and passed on by Catholic Tradition. It is not enough to say ‘I like this’ or ‘I don’t like that’ but rather to ask: in what way here at St Thomas More can we, for the Glory of God, best celebrate the mass in accord with the mind and practice of The Church now and through the ages with the resources, human and material, that we have? Is a particular way of saying mass in accord with Sacrosanctum Concilium and the rubrics of the Missal or not? How might the pope’s new letter guide us in this? If we can’t ask and answer such questions, then it is the self and our individual feelings we are centred on, although because feelings can cloud judgement, they usually will not be ignored. Feelings need to be directed somewhere at someone and if there is no outlet, can lead to negative and sinful behaviour such as gossip. It is however, when we don’t understand something that we can feel ‘in the dark’ and our feelings will dominate, but once understood and it all makes sense, the light may fall upon us. In this parish, Vatican II’s Sacrosanctum Concilium and the rubrics of the 1970 missal are now conservatively observed in the vernacular and Latin in addition to the Traditional Latin Mass being joyfully offered on a Saturday morning . Perhaps because of this, I have been told that two or three of you have written complaining that you don’t like the way mass is said here by me. However, there’s not much can be done in response, if you don’t come and speak to the parish priest in person but only complain in conversation or writing behind his back. Whoever you are and only if still a worshipping parishioner here, the honest and Christian thing to do would be to speak in person, face to face. Please tell me what is wrong with the way mass is said at St Thomas More, basing if you can, your judgements on the rubrics of the missal and Vatican II’s Sacrosanctum Concilium in the link above.

Likewise, if I have spoken or written against The Catholic Faith in a sermon or a newsletter, I also need to know, basing your judgements on holy scripture, the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, canon law, papal and conciliar teachings and The Catechism of The Church and not only on what you like or don’t like hearing or reading. My doors and ears are open to you and you are welcome to bring with you one fellow parishioner who attends mass here and share what you think and feel over a cup of tea. If you do feel scared, inhibited or unable to speak with the priest in person for some other reason, you could try approaching a pastoral councillor after mass one day and he or she will in turn try communicating your sentiments to me later as best he/she can. Therefore, this Monday and Tuesday evening will be set aside for you, if you call or email me first, or if that is difficult for you, call or speak to a pastoral councillor, and we can then meet and see if we can find a way ‘forwards together’ in harmony and unity. I look forward to hearing from you either directly or via a pastoral counsellor. APPEAL FOR THE APOSTLESHIP OF THE SEA Sea Sunday 9/10th July 2022 This week the second collection is for the Apostleship of the Sea ‘Stella Maris’. The Apostleship of the Sea is a catholic charity supporting seafarers worldwide. They provide practical and pastoral care to all seafarers, regardless of nationality or belief. Port chaplains and volunteer ship visitors welcome seafarers, offer welfare service and advice, practical help, care and friendship. The AoS in Great Britain is part of an international network known to the maritime world as Stella Maris, working in more than 250 ports around the world. 90% of world trade is transported by ship, however the life of a modern seafarer can be dangerous and lonely. They may spend up to a year at a time away from home, separated from their family and loved ones and often working in harsh conditions. The AoS relies wholly on voluntary contributions, and can only continue its work through the generous donations of its supporters, particularly the collection next Sunday. A few envelopes will be available in the porch to return next Sunday, or make your own envelope marked ‘Stella Maris’ and return to the second collection basket next Sunday, 9/10th July. You can also donate by: · Texting SEA to 70460 to donate £5.00 · Give via the website: CONFIRMATIONS 2022 Sunday at the 11.00 a.m. Mass. LONDON CARIBBEAN CATHOLIC CHAPLAINCY invites you to THE ALL LONDON CARRIBEAN PILGRIMAGE and MEMORIAL to FR CHARLES GAILLARD to AYLESFORD PRIORY on SUNDAY 31ST JULY 2022. SOLEMN MASS AT 12.00 noon. See notice board for details of coaches and contacts or pick up one of the flyers in the porch. THE LATIN MASS SOCIETY PILGRIMAGE FROM ELY TO WALSINGHAM. 25TH TO 28TH AUGUST. You are invited to join us for our annual pilgrimage to the Basilica shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham. Pilgrims arrive early on Thursday and after an early mass on Friday, begin the walk to Walsingham, arriving on Sunday. Family groups and individuals welcome. For more information & to register: or call 020 7404 7284.

CATERING FOR PARISHIONERS’ RECEPTIONS. As mentioned above, particular thanks for the Chant Day is due to Marlena Glowacka, a parishioner who shared her professional talents as a chef with her parish last Saturday and provided a fine three course lunch and afternoon tea at a high standard. If you have a family event coming – baptisms, weddings, funerals and are needing quality catering call Marlena on 0797 695 4208 or email <> ‘Children’s Liturgy’ This Sunday at the 9.00 a.m. Mass. FOOD BANK. Don’t forget the Food Bank collection crate in the Church Porch! People are not managing to afford the basic essentials of life. If you can contribute some long life milk, canned food, packets of pasta, toilet rolls or any other non-perishable basics, you will be helping our neighbours in great need. Deaths For all our brothers and sisters who ate the Body of Christ, the bread of Life, that they may be raised up on the Last Day. (Drawn from the intercession of the Funeral Mass) Please pray for the soul of: Christopher Brook who died on Saturday 7th May, aged 45. Alice Carrasco who died on Sunday 22nd May 2022 aged 85.Her Funeral Requiem was on Tuesday 7th June. Nora Brady, aged 91, who died on Monday 30th May 2022. Her Funeral Requiem was on Monday 20th .June at 11.00 a.m. with committal at Hillview. Theresa and Catherine thank you all for your support and prayers in this difficult time of bereavement. Robert Melville Cruikshank, aged 84, who died on Monday 6th June at Queen Elizabeth Hospital. His funeral was on Tuesday 28th June. Margaret Heffernan whose funeral will take place on Thursday 20th July at 11.30 p.m. with reception in church on Wednesday 5.00 p.m. and committal at Eltham. May the divine assistance remain with them always, and may their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. MASSES AND INTENTIONS FOR THE FIFTEENTH WEEK OF ORDINARY TIME. Instaurare Omnia in Christo: "to restore all things in Christ." Saturday 9th July Our Lady’s Saturday. TC 9.00 a.m. Confessions 9.30 a.m. Rosary + 10.00 a.m. [Latin 1962] Fr Patrick O’Kane R.I.P. 12.15 Pastoral Council Meeting in the House. + 6.30 p.m. FIFTEENTH SUNDAY. (C) The people of the parish. Sunday 10th July 8.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary + 9.00 a.m. SUNG. With ‘children’s liturgy’. The Hallet Family R.I.P. + 11.00 a.m. SOLEMN LATIN MASS (with English Readings/ missa orbis factor). With Confirmations. Nora Brady R.I.P. Second collection at all Sunday masses for Stella Maris : the Apostleship of the Sea. 7.00 p.m. Parish Social Evening in the Hall. All welcome. Monday 11th July St. Benedict, abbot & patron of Europe, feast. 9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary +10.00 a.m. Jack Fernandes R.I.P. Tuesday 12th July St John Jones, priest & martyr, memorial. 9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary. +10.00 a.m. a private intention. Wednesday 13th July St. Mildred, Abbess. Daily Rosary at home. NO PUBLIC MASS TODAY. Thursday 14th July St. Camillus de Lellis, priest. 9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary +10.00 a.m. Christopher & Margaret Pond T.G. on diamond wedding anniversary. 1.00 p.m. Thursday Lunch Club. Friday 15th July St. Bonaventure, bishop & doctor of the church, memorial. 9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary +10.00 a.m. Desmond Rodrigues R.I.P. 6.00 p.m. Choir Practice. Saturday 16th July Our Lady’s Saturday. TC 9.00 a.m. Confessions 9.30 a.m. Rosary + 10.00 a.m. [Latin 1962] Fatima Alava R.I.P. [+ 6.30 p.m. SIXTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Peter & Felicidade Fernandes, Victorio & Francisca Coelho R.I.P.] JULY PRAYER: Act of consecration to the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. To be said in church before the Blessed Sacrament, exposed or in the Tabernacle.

Blood of Jesus, inebriate me! O Jesus, my Beloved Saviour, ever present in the Tabernacle, to be the strength, the joy and the food of souls, I come to consecrate myself to your Precious Blood, and to pledge you my sincere love and fidelity. Pierced with sorrow at the remembrance of your sufferings, the contemplation of the Cross, and the thought of the outrages and contempt lavished by ungrateful souls upon your dear Blood, I long, O my Jesus, to bring joy to your Heart, and to make you forget my sins, and those of the whole world, by consecrating my body and soul to your service. I desire, my Jesus, to live henceforth, only by your Blood and for your Blood. I now choose It as my greatest treasure and the dearest object of my love. O merciful Redeemer, deign to regard me as a perpetual adorer of your Most Precious Blood, and be pleased to accept my prayers, my deeds and my sacrifices, as so many acts of reparation and love. Heavenly Wine, giver of purity and strength, pour down upon my soul. Make of my heart a living chalice from which grace shall constantly flow on those that love you, and especially on poor sinners that offend you, Teach me to honour you, and to make you honoured by others. Give me power to draw to you cold and hardened hearts, that they may feel how infinitely your consolations surpass those of the world. O Blood of my Crucified Saviour, detach me from the world, and the spirit of the world. Make me love suffering and sacrifice, after the example of St. Brigid, who loved you so much. O Precious Blood, be my strength amid the trials and struggles of exile. Grant that at the hour of death I may be able to bless you for having been the comfort and the sanctification of my soul, before becoming, in Heaven, the everlasting object of my love and praise. Saints of God, who owe your happiness to the Blood of Jesus; Angelic spirits, who sing Its glory and power, august Virgin, who to It owes the privileges of your Immaculate Conception and Divine Maternity, help me to pay to the Precious Blood of my Redeemer a perpetual homage of adoration, reparation and thanksgiving. Amen

Blessings to you all,

Fr Jonathon

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