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Act Now! Contact your MP
A bill has been introduced to Parliament by Kim Leadbeater MP which seeks to legalise assisted suicide. This will be voted on by MPs on 29th November.
If this law is passed, it will mean doctors will be able to give lethal medication to sick, elderly and disabled people so that they can take their own life. We will be crossing a very dangerous line.
Our church leaders, including Cardinal Vincent Nichols, the Archbishop of Westminster and John Wilson, the Archbishop of Southwark, have asked us to take urgent action to oppose this bill.
Please consider responding to the Cardinal’s call by writing to your MP to ask him/her to vote against this bill. Please write a personal letter or email, remembering to give your postal address so that your MP knows that you are a constituent.
Think of the sick or elderly members of your own family who could be at risk if the law is changed – and tell your MP about your concerns.
If this bill is passed, the option to choose death will be there for everyone: the elderly person who worries that they are a burden on their children; those with complex health issues who worry they are a drain on resources; those struggling to pay their rent or heating bill.
To help you, there are SPUC leaflets and resources available to collect in the church porch.
Your letter or email need only be short and every single one counts, so please take a few minutes to write to your MP. The key message to send to your MP is: Please vote against the assisted suicide bill. You can address the letter to the name of your MP at House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA.
The MP for Bexleyheath & Crayford is Daniel Francis.
And finally, please pray that this bill will be defeated. The lives of vulnerable people depend on it.
Thank you.
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