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Saturday 8th June – Saturday 15th June 2024


Tenth week of ordinary time



Our UCM has started up again and at the last meeting concern was expressed about the overall cleanliness and presentation of our church.  We talked through ideas to improve the cleaning on a regular basis across the year.  A deep clean once a month was suggested.  In the past UCM members have offered their time and of course, when possible, we will continue to do. However, at present we are small in number and need more volunteers to help us with this. 

Extra help would make a real difference to the church.  You would be helping on a monthly basis, alongside some very friendly and supportive UCM members.  If you are able to offer 2 hours of your time on a Friday or Saturday afternoon to assist us,  that would be a great way to meet others and improve the overall appearance of our church throughout the year. 

Please approach a UCM member in the porch after any of the Masses this weekend if you can help us make this improvement at St Thomas More. You can pass on your contact details to one of us and we will get in touch as soon as we can. 

We have Holy Communion Masses and the confirmation evening in June and July. It would be wonderful if we could make an improvement before these occasions.

However, the aim would be to get a rota in place for the rest of the year, if we have enough people to help us.  All help will be very welcome for this really important task, male or female. You don't have to join the UCM to help us.

St Thomas More, UCM group.


There will be UCM women in the porch at the end of each Mass with 'post it' notes and pens so that contact details can be given.  Look out for: 

Suzie on Saturday at 6.30 p.m.

Kathleen and Kate after Sunday 9.00 a.m.

Aniela and Dorota after Sunday 11.00 a.m. 

JUNE DEVOTIONS TO THE SACRED HEART: Adoration, Litany of the Sacred Heart, solemn consecration and Benediction: This Sunday 9th June 2024 at 4.00 p.m.


DAY WITH MARY on Saturday 22nd June 2024 at St Joseph’s, Roehampton from 9.30

DAY FOR LIFE: SECOND COLLECTION NEXT SUNDAY 15/16TH JUNE. This is the day in the Church’s life dedicated to celebrating the sacredness of life. The proceeds from the Day for Life collection provide core funding for the Anscombe Bioethics Centre and to assist other life related activities supported by the Church, usually by means of grants made to support Catholic charities working in the particular field determined by the theme of the year.


APPEAL!! TWO THIRDS THERE! STATUE OF OUR LADY OF WALSINGHAM for our church. Please make your donation online, in an envelope marked ‘Statue of Our Lady of Walsingham’ or by contactless.


SVP and CAFOD working together in the run up to the General Election

As Catholics, we know that tackling poverty and injustice are among the most important issues politicians should act on. St Vincent de Paul Society and CAFOD have produced a guide for Catholics for the General Election, with suggested questions to ask candidates. Please see or for more information.

Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN) are encouraging all Catholics to #RegisterToVote before 23:59 on the 18 June 2024 in preparation for the General Election. CSAN have launched a number of resources to help Catholics inform their conscience and navigate the political landscape at this time, find more at


Formation days for readers and extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, coming up on Saturday 19th October at St Stephen’s Church, Welling for the Deaneries of Bexley, Bromley, and Greenwich and on Saturday 26th October, at Bishop Thomas Grant School, Streatham, for the Deaneries of Camberwell, Lewisham, and Lambeth.


All Readers and Extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist are encouraged to attend once of these days.


Each of the days will begin with tea and coffee at 9:30am, there will be three presentations and the day will end with Mass at 3pm. The theme for this year is –“Called to Holiness”, in preparation for the Jubilee year and to help us all live a good Christian life amidst the daily challenges of life.


Please contact the parish office at to register your attendance as soon as possible.

DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES 2024. Archbishop John warmly invites you to join him as he leads the Southwark Archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage, from 23rd to 30th August 2024. Details of this can be found on the Archdiocesan website: Experience the unique spirituality of Lourdes, along with people from parishes around the Archdiocese.

FOOD BANK. You can make your donations before any mass in the crates in the Church Porch and they are taken to Bexley Food Bank on a Monday morning.


Summertime 2024: 29th July – 1st August: Trip to Westminster Pastoral Centre, £189. For aged 11-16. We commend this excellent residential trip for altar servers and those who regularly attend mass on the weekend. In an event that has now gone on for more than 20 years, it is a few days for deepening one’s catholic faith, in a great social atmosphere, including football, sports and visit to Thorpe Park. For more details of how to get to the venue, with a coach laid on at St. Anselm’s Dartford, see your parish priest for a form, or contact Fr. Stephen Boyle, chaplain to the Guild of St, Stephen,, Tel:01322 220075.

We would encourage subsidy for such a trip for attendees. Here we charge the £100 for the trip, and the parish subsidizes the rest.


Toddler Stay & Pray at St. Thomas More Catholic Primary School, Sheldon Road, DA7 4PH every Wednesday at 9 a.m.

Does your toddler like to pray or want to learn how to pray? If so please join Mrs McClumpha and Benny the prayer bear for Toddler Stay and Pray. See the poster in the porch for more information.



Next Thursday 13th June at 12.30 p.m. in the church hall.


NEXT CLASS: Saturday 8th June 10.30 a.m.

CONFIRMATION 2024 next meeting in the church for Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on Sunday 9th June at 4.00 p.m.


CHILDRENS’ LITURGY OF THE WORD SUNDAY 9.00 A.M. resumes on Sunday 9th June.




Please pray for the souls of:


Bridie Philomena Nickells, who died on 6th March 2024, aged 86. Her Funeral Requiem was on Friday 26th April.


Jean Eileen Dyer, who died on 28th March 2024, aged 85. Her funeral was on Tuesday 30th April.


Anne Whittaker, who died on Tuesday 7th April 2024 aged 91. Her Funeral was on Monday 13th May. Anne was a parishioner of St Thomas Church for 60 years and kept her faith through some great challenges of life. She attended mass weekly until the very end.


Mary Elizabeth O'Halloran, who died Wednesday 3rd April aged 101. Her funeral was on Thursday 16th May.


Mary Catherine Fuller, who died on 23rd March 2024, aged 68.


May they rest in peace.


Tenth week of ordinary time 2024


Saturday 8th June Celebration of the BVM [TC]

9.00 a.m. Confessions

9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary

+ 10.00 a.m. Latin 1962. Lurdhina Fernandes R.I.P.

+ 6.30 p.m. SAID. TENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Dot & Bill Russell White R.I.P.


Sunday 9th June

8.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary

+ 9.00 a.m. SUNG with Children’s liturgy of the Word. Natasha Pereira TG on her birthday.

+11.00 a.m. SOLEMN Latin Mass (in Latin with English Readings, missa fons bonitatis) Nora Brady R.I.P.


7.00 p.m. Parish Social Evening in Church Hall. All welcome.


Monday 10th June feria

9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary

+ 10.00 a.m. Lucy Murphy R.I.P.


Tuesday 11th June St Barnabas, apostle, memorial.

8.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary

+9.00 a.m. Winifred Jago R.I.P.


Wednesday 12th June feria.

The Daily Rosary at home



Thursday 13th June St Anthony of Padua, priest & doctor of the church, memorial.

9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary

+10.00 a.m. Jose Gabriel Fernandes R.I.P. (birthday anniversary)


12.30 p.m. Lunch Club


Friday 14th June feria.

9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary

+10.00 a.m. Mrs Dayo Afegbai R.I.P.


6.00 p.m. Choir Practice.


Saturday 15th June Celebration of the BVM [TC]

9.00 a.m. Confessions

9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary

+ 10.00 a.m. First Holy Communion Mass (N.B. no Latin mass today). Suso Restrepo R.I.P.

+ 6.30 p.m. SAID. ELEVENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (with second collection ‘Day for Life’) Antonio Fernandes R.I.P.


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