Dear parishioners,
Holy Week and Easter may seem far behind us. However, in the church’s liturgical calendar and devotional life the church gives us a special gift to pause and consider again, with Mary our Mother, the Passion of Lord Jesus Christ and the Triumph of his Sacrifice on the Cross for our Salvation. Firstly, there is the Feast of Holy Cross on September 14th and the next day the Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows. Mass will be said on both days. Secondly, September is dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows and so I encourage you all to take up the spiritual practice of saying the ancient Rosary (chaplet) of the Seven Sorrows of Mary that can help us enter into the immaculate and sorrowful Heart of our Blessed Mother as we recall her sufferings. Thirdly we remind ourselves, that at every mass throughout the year, we kneel with Mary at the foot of the cross and the Sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ her son.
1. How to pray the Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows of Mary
“As Christ was the ‘man of sorrows’ (Is 53, 3) through whom it pleased God to have ‘reconciled all things through him and for him, everything in heaven and everything on earth, when he made peace by his death on the cross’ (Col 1, 20), so too, Mary is ‘the woman of sorrows’ whom God associated with his Son as mother and participant in his Passion (socia passionis).” (Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy)
The Rosary of the Seven Sorrows originated with the Servite Order, founded by a group called the Seven Holy Founders in 1233. From the very beginning, they sought to live a life dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows.
Through their spirituality, they developed the “Servite Rosary,” also known as the “Chaplet or Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of Mary.” It recalls seven events in the life of Mary when she experienced great sorrow. They are as follows:
The Prophecy of Simeon (Luke 2:34–35)
The Flight into Egypt (Matthew 2:13)
The Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem (Luke 2:43–45)
The Meeting of Mary and Jesus on his Way to Calvary (traditional)
Standing at the Foot of the Cross (John 19:25)
Jesus Being Taken Down from the Cross (Matthew 27:57–59)
The Burial of Jesus (John 19:40–42)
Ideally, to pray this chaplet in memory of Our Lady’s Seven Sorrows, you need a special set of beads. It is commendable when praying the chaplet to say an Act of Contrition at the very beginning to recognise the role our sins have in Our Lady’s sufferings. After this, say an introductory prayer. Next, announce and meditate on the first sorrow, say an ‘Our Father’ and seven Hail Mary’s at each division and then repeat for each sorrow. At the very end, three Hail Marys should be prayed in honour of Our Lady’s tears with the concluding prayer. There are special beads produced for the Rosary of Our Lady of Sorrows with seven sets of seven beads. I have acquired some ,which you can purchase from me, Lorraine or Annette, if you don’t have a computer or easy internet access, or if you do, please go on-line to Amazon and type in ‘Rosary of Our Lady of Sorrows’ to hopefully arrive before 15th September or our last Sunday devotions. We are also working on a small booklet of devotions to Our Lady of Sorrows.
Dating from the 13th century, The Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows is a beautiful tradition in the Church and allows a soul to walk the via matris, (way of the mother) following Mary who kept all of these sorrows in her heart. This devotion has gained in popularity again since 1982 when our Blessed Mother appeared to three visionaries in Kibeho, Rwanda. Our Lady asked Marie-Claire Mukangango to re-introduce this great devotion to the world. Marie- Claire promoted this to thousands of people before she was killed in the genocide in Rwanda in which more than a million people were killed. This tragedy had been foretold through visions of rivers of blood, which the young people had received.
The Primary message of Our Lady of Kibeho is ‘REPENT, REPENT, REPENT: CONVERT WHILE THERE IS STILL TIME!’ Our Blessed Lady described the world as ‘being in revolt against God’ and that the world is on the edge of catastrophe. In another message to the visionaries, we are told, ‘the world hastens to its ruin, it will fall into the abyss’. You only have to watch the news to know that millions of people are now looking into it. The world is in rebellion against God and if you follow Catholic news, it seems to many as if this rebellion against God has even entered the Church. In the corruption and immorality of some clergy even in the highest places in some countries; in the lack of clear teaching and the public maligning of the church’s history, mission, moral teaching and tradition; in the banality and secularizing of a lot of public worship; in the falling away of hundreds and hundreds and thousands if not millions of the laity from the sacraments; in the failure of so many parents, schools and parishes to pass on the faith to their children through Christian marriage and weekly attendance at mass; in the almost complete lack of vocations to priesthood and religious life and the closure of most seminaries, including mine; in the cruel and arbitrary restrictions placed on devout traditional catholic families and priests in some dioceses in the world; the calling for a change in church teaching and practice by some national ‘synods’ in the novel ‘synodal’ process’ in order to conform the church with the world: what is the effect of all this on the Immaculate Heart of The Mother of The Church?
What can we do ? Our own individual and communal response to this dereliction and devastation must be to commit more deeply to following Christ through our prayer with Mary and fulfilment of obligation to God by attendance at mass and in the obedient service to Him in our good works.
‘The Rosary of the Seven Sorrows‘ will help guide our hearts to an inner conversion and turn us away from sin. It is this sin that crucified Jesus. It is this human rebellion against God’s laws that inflicts pain on the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary. When we pray this Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of Mary, we can reflect on the magnitude of her sufferings and the absolute strength of her love. This can give us the strength we need to fight the spiritual battles of our own lives, beginning with the temptations we all face. Our Blessed Mother is on our side and knowing this means we do not give up the fight against temptation. It is she who is inspiring so many of us on First Saturdays to return to confession to make our souls fit to receive Jesus, her son, in Holy Communion, as she received Him when the Word became flesh in her .
2. Two other ways to unite your heart with Our Lady of Sorrows at Mass.
In what other ways might you show your devotion and love to Jesus her son, whose sacrifice for us gives us his Body and Blood at every mass? Ask yourselves:
1. Do I receive Holy Communion casually or do I prepare by periodically examining my conscience, making my confession to a priest and receiving absolution for my sins?
2. Do I receive Holy Communion with the deepest reverence in the traditional catholic way to demonstrate my love of God and so visibly pass on to our children our belief in the sacrifice and Real Presence of Jesus at the altar? In all humility before God, can I kneel at the foot of the altar to receive Holy Communion as our Sorrowful Mother, the holiest creature ever to live, was present before Jesus her son at the foot of the Cross?
By observing these two points in our spiritual life at mass, our words of devotion to Mary will gain substance in our actions and our words and deeds will be as one in our hearts and so more readily at one with the Immaculate Heart. For we believe, at the sacrifice of the mass, we are present with Our Sorrowful Mother at Calvary and the more we show our love of Jesus through preparation, penance and deep reverence and adoration at Holy Communion, the closer we will be to her Immaculate Heart.
3. Forthcoming Devotions to the Sorrowful Mother this month at St. Thomas More.
1. (Feast of the Exaltation of The Holy Cross. Wednesday 14th September)
2. Holy Mass of Our Lady of Sorrows on Thursday 15th at 7.00 p.m. which includes the ‘Stabat Mater/ At the Cross her Station Keeping’ and will be followed by the Rosary of Our Lady of Sorrows.
3. Last Sunday of the Month: Parish Devotions to Our Lady of Sorrows. With Stations of the Cross, Rosary of Our Lady of Sorrows, the Litany of Our Lady of Sorrows and Benediction. Sunday 25th September, 5.00 p.m.
4. Privately saying the Rosary of Our Lady of Sorrows or saying it together as a family. On-line, you can find some good meditations written on each of the sorrows of Our Lady which can be read aloud before each set of seven Hail Mary’s.
Big news on the global media in the last week has been the conversion of Hollywood actor Shia LaBeouf to Catholicism. Mr LaBeouf had been filming the new film about Padre Pio, the role he plays, when acting the saintly priest say mass, the actor was drawn closer to God. Better known for headlines in the Daily Mail regarding all the usual sins and temptations of a Hollywood lifestyle, his interview with Bishop Barron, himself a well-known bishop in the media, has drawn a greater audience than any of the bishop’s previous broadcasts. It is worth watching the whole interview or you can watch the highlights. I also include an interview from Life Site with John- Henry Westen interviewing Cameron O’Hearn, the producer of ‘Mass of the Ages Trilogy’ , which many of you watched, and his comments on the LaBeouf/Bp Baron interview are interesting. This is another case of the Traditional Latin Mass reaching parts of the soul – especially in the young – that nothing else can. Deo Gratias!
We should also pray for Shia LaBeouf and ask Our Lady of Sorrows to protect him with her prayers and give him spiritual strength, courage and fortitude in the challenges he will face from the world, the flesh and the devil. These will always come the way of a person, especially a famous one, for a conversion to Christ Our King.
ST BERNADETTE RELIC TOUR. September 1st – November 1st 2022.
The apparitions seen by St Bernadette in Lourdes took place over five months, and over the course of time, an intimate relationship of trust, obedience, and love developed between Our Lady and Bernadette.
In September and October this year, the relics of St Bernadette will journey on pilgrimage from Lourdes to England, Scotland, and Wales for the very first time. This very special once in a lifetime event will provide an opportunity for people of all ages and backgrounds to experience the special gifts and charisms of Lourdes in a church or cathedral near to their home.
The visit will provide people across our community of faith with a valuable opportunity for prayer and healing. To ensure the comfort and safety of pilgrims, and to allow venues taking part in the Relic Tour to prepare for the large numbers who will travel to them, individuals and groups are strongly encouraged to register their attendance at their earliest convenience choosing a free, dedicated timeslot at their chosen church or cathedral, as demand is likely to be high.
The reservation system is now open and can be accessed here:
Such is the importance of this tour, and such are the gifts of grace that will flow from these days that we hope that all will feel encouraged to visit. Please be assured that pilgrims who have been unable to register will not be turned away.
Details of the itinerary can be found on this page and prayers to support the tour are also there at: However, if you have any questions about the tour, please feel free to get in touch at:
Cardinal Vincent Nicholls says “The pilgrimage of St Bernadette’s relics offers us a welcome opportunity to bear active witness to our Faith, joining with one another across our many communities to encounter God’s love and find spiritual, emotional, and psychological healing and renewal.”
The relics will visit THE cathedral, St George’s, from the morning of Wednesday 19th October until the morning of Friday 21st October; they will also visit Aylesford from Monday 24th October until Friday 28th October. Please consult the website of each venue for further details.
If anyone would like to travel to the cathedral with me by train on Thursday 20th October please let me know. Otherwise, perhaps some mums and dads could organise small groups of families to go up at the weekend.
PARISH GOLF DAY 2022 We are just a few weeks away from the usual Parish Golf day which is on Thursday 29th September at Birchwood Park. There will, as always be a charity raffle to the day which will be available from Tony Brook after some masses.
Any enquiries, please call Tony Brooke 07833707016.
SOCIAL EVENING Due to the death of Her Majesty the Queen this has been cancelled. Queen Elizabeth II R.I.P.
‘Children’s Liturgy’ on Sundays at 9.00 a.m. will be taking a summer break and will resume in the autumn term.
FOOD BANK. Don’t forget the Food Bank collection crate in the Church Porch! People are not managing to afford the basic essentials of life. If you can contribute some long life milk, canned food, packets of pasta, toilet rolls or any other non-perishable basics, you will be helping our neighbours in great need.
THURSDAY LUNCH CLUB takes place on Thursday lunchtimes for our senior parishioners and friends.
HOUSE MOVE. We pray for Eddie and Mary Etheridge and ask God to bless them in their new home at Borough Green. Mass will be offered for their intentions on Tuesday and a Mass for the well-being of Mary on Monday 12th September, the memorial of The Most Holy Name of Mary. It is also the memorial that day of a great Kentish saint, Saint Eanswythe of Folkestone. God be with you Eddie and Mary, we’ll miss you.
For all our brothers and sisters who ate the Body of Christ, the bread of Life, that they may be raised up on the Last Day. (Drawn from the intercession of the Funeral Mass)
Please pray for the soulS of:
Margaret Heffernan whose funeral was on Thursday 20th July.
Mario Pescatore, aged 89, who died on Friday 1st July 2022 and whose funeral was on Friday 19th August 2022.
Maria Rosa Fasano, aged 87, who died on Thursday 21st July 2022 and whose funeral was on Tuesday 9th August 2022.
Thomas Patrick Bromhead, who died on Monday 18th July 2022, aged 90 was on Wednesday 24th August 2022 (with Requiem said earlier)
Brenda Catherine Clarke, who died on Wednesday 20th July 2022, aged 78 and whose funeral was on Thursday 11th August.
Judith Cooke, who died on Saturday 20th August 2022 at the hospice. Her funeral will be at 2.00 p.m. on Thursday 15th September at 2.00 p.m. with a Requiem at church in the morning at 10.00.
Hammond Macaulay who died on Saturday 27th August at Bexley and Greenwich Hospice aged 53. Her funeral is on Tuesday 13th September 2022 at 11 o’clock followed by committal at Hillview Cemetery.
May the divine assistance remain with them always, and may their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.
Saturday 3rd September 2022
9.00 a.m. confessions
9.30 a.m. Rosary
10.00 a.m. Holy Mass
10.30 a.m. meditation
Instaurare Omnia in Christo: "to restore all things in Christ."
Saturday 3rd September S. Pius X, pope & confessor. T.C. & FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTIONS.
9.00 a.m. Confessions.
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary.
+10.00 a.m. [Latin 1962] Oliver Mulvey P.I. With fifteen minutes of silent meditation at the end of mass on a mystery of the rosary. Any confessions not heard before mass will be heard after.
12.00 noon Baptism
6.00 p.m. Confessions.
Sunday 4th September
8.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+ 9.00 a.m. SUNG. The people of the parish.
+ 11.00 a.m. SOLEMN LATIN MASS (with English Readings/ missa orbis factor). Adoracion Alaminos R.I.P.
7.00 p.m. Parish Social Evening in the Hall. All welcome.
Monday 5th September feria. (First day of school year at St Thomas More Catholic Primary School)
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+ 10.00 a.m. Shirley Penfold R.I.P.
Tuesday 6th September feria.
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+ 10.00 a.m. Eddie & Mary Etheridge P.I.
Wednesday 7th September feria.
Daily Rosary at home.
Thursday 8th September The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, feast.
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+ 10.00 a.m. Mass offered in T.G. to Mother Mary.
12.00 noon Thursday lunch club
Friday 9th September St. Peter Claver, priest.
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+10.00 a.m. For all staff and pupils at St. Thomas More Catholic Primary School W.B.
6.00 p.m. Choir Practice.
Saturday 10th September S. Nicholas of Tolentino, confessor. T.G.
9.00 a.m. Confessions
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+10.00 a.m. (Latin 1962) Louise McGrath R.I.P.
+ 6.30 p.m. TWENTY- FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C). Eithne Frances Bowman R.I.P.
Let us pray.
Our Mother of Sorrows, with strength from above you stood by The Cross, sharing in the sufferings of Jesus, and with tender care you bore Him in your arms, mourning and weeping.
We praise you for your faith, which accepted the life God planned for you.
We praise you for your hope, which trusted that God would do great things in you.
We praise you for your love in bearing with Jesus the sorrows of His passion. Holy Mary, may we follow your example, and stand by all your children who need comfort and love. Mother of God, stand by us in our trials and care for us in our many needs. Pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
With my blessings, Fr Jonathon.