Saturday 9th March – Saturday 16th March 2024
Fourth week of Lent
URGENT REPAIRS NEEDED. Our church guttering needs to be replaced and some roofing repaired. This also applies to an area of the Church Hall. Water is getting into the brickwork, causing damage inside which is now visible, two years after the church was decorated. We need to fix this before the damage becomes irreparable. Having been given quotations, we need your donations to raise about £10,000 for this work. Afterwards, we will also need to repair the damage to the walls and interior decorations. Please make your donations on line ref ROOF REPAIRS or you can pay by contactless or place your donation in an envelope, also marking it ‘Roof Repairs’.
ACC NO. 21361606
SORT CODE 517014
Ref: Church Roof Repairs
March Devotions to St. Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, patron of the Church, patron of the dying, patron of accountants, attorneys, barristers, bursars, cabinet makers, carpenters, cemetery workers, children, civil engineers, confectioners, craftsmen, educators, emigrants, exiles, expectant mothers, families, fathers, house hunters, joiners, labourers, orphans and wheelrights. An Hour with the Lord in thanksgiving for the intercession of St Joseph in hymns and the Litany of St Jospeh, next Sunday, 17th March at 4.00 p.m.
Youth and Young Adult Events in the Archdiocese of Southwark
Youth Day
The next Youth Day for ages 10 to 14 will be at Richard Challoner School, New Malden on Saturday 9 March from 11:00 am to 5:30 pm. The day will include faith input from Fr Samuel Burke OP, Eucharistic Adoration and praise, sports, games, and pizza. For details and to book, please visit
Young Adult Events
St George's Cathedral hosts a monthly Young Adult Mass at 6:00 pm on the first Sunday of every month, followed by a social gathering (for those aged 18+). There are also weekly events and socials on Thursday evenings. Details can be found on the RCAOS website, Facebook, and Instagram @stgeorgesya.
Flame 2025
Flame is the largest Catholic youth event in the UK, featuring guest speakers, award-winning musicians, praise and worship, Eucharistic Adoration, and much more! The event is open to those from school year 9 to university age.
The Archdiocese has purchased a block booking. Group Leaders from schools, parishes, and universities can book at
The early-bird price is £29, which is payable by 1 August 2024
To receive regular updates on youth and young adult activities, please sign up to our Youth Network at
For details of forthcoming youth days, youth retreats, training, and other events, please visit
Please direct any enquiries to
‘Beginning Experience’ Beginning Experience provides peer support for Separated, Divorced, and Widowed persons, so as to facilitate the grief resolution process, and enable those wounded by grief to rediscover love for themselves, others, and God. Facilitated by trained peer ministers, grief resolution programmes take place in nine countries on three continents, including here in the south of England.
CLERGY SUPPORT FUND collection still open. You make supporting our clergy in retirement possible, find out how to donate to the Clergy Support Fund at or scan the QR code. You can donate via telephone or use the contactless device in the porch. Office hours Mon-Fri 020 7960 2504 or by using the Clergy Support Fund Envelopes at the back of the Church. Please continue to keep our priests in your prayers.
GIFT AID boxes will be available for collection from this weekend. Please contact Melissa at for any questions/enquiries/changes. New donors always welcome.
Traditional Latin Mass at Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane (Covent Garden) with Sixteenth Century music from France and Flanders
Monday 18th March,6.30 p.m. Ferial Mass in Lent Missa Gaude Lux Donatiane, Clemens non Papa Laboravi in Gemitu Meo, Weelkes Quemadmodum, Taverner.
Monday 1st Apri,6.30 p.m. Mass of Easter Monday Missa Bel Amfitrit Altera, Lassus Surrexit Pastor Bonus, L’Héritier Regina Caeli a 12, Gombert.
Monday 8th April,6.30 p.m. Mass of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Missa Ave Maria, de la Rue Ego Flos Campi, Clemens non Papa Ave Maria, Josquin.
Monday 22nd April, 6.30 p.m. Mass of Saints Soter and Caius Missa Praeter Rerum Seriem, de Rore Aurora Lucis Rutilat, Lassus Laboravi in Gemitu Meo, Rogier.
In weeks when the Southwell Consort does not perform, the Houoghton Schola sings traditional Gregorian Chant Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane, London WC2E 2NB. Maiden Lane is five minutes’ walk from Charing Cross Station and next to Covent Garden.
CAFOD LENT APPEAL HOW DO YOU MAKE SURE A FAMILY CAN EAT TODAY AND TOMORROW? You can make your donation to this year’s Lent Appeal by picking up an envelope after mass and returning it next Sunday or by contactless payment in the porch and by the Lady Chapel or online.
Lenten Reflections at STM continue this coming February after the 10.00am mass. All are very welcome.
LENT STATIONS OF THE CROSS. Every Friday at 7.30 p.m., concluding on Good Friday 29th March. .
St Thomas More Parish Club presents St Patrick’s Evening For all the family, everybody welcome Music by Kenny Friday 15th March 2024 8.00 pm till 11.00 pm. Admission - Adults £3.00 at the door in the Church Hall.
For more information please call: Jenny 07710 527692 or Mary 07369 252072
CONFIRMATION 2024 starts with a parents and candidates meeting in the church hall this Sunday 10th March at 4.00 p.m. Next Sunday, 17th March, first meeting of candidates… place TBC. MEETING TODAY CANCELLED DUE TO SICKNESS.
CHILDRENS’ LITURGY OF THE WORD SUNDAY 9.00 A.M. Don’t forget to pick up a Lent Infant’s or Junior’s Day by Day, with activities, stories etc. to guide your children through Lent.
SPUC NOTICE: 'Please write to your MP about the New Clause 1 amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill. This would remove all sanctions in relation to a woman performing her own abortion, effectively allowing abortion pills to be taken up to the point of natural birth. Please handwrite the letter, if possible, as this shows your commitment and takes up physical space on their desk. For more information, please visit the SPUC website. This could be debated by MP's as early as the 4th of March.
SHIBASHI with Kathy. Looking for something different? Try this new relaxing class at St Thomas More Church Hall. Only £5.00. Call Kathy to reserve your place. 07443 578860 or email
The open mornings for admission to Nursery for
September 2024 will take place on Wednesday 20th March 9:30am
Contact: tel: 01322 227752
‘DAY WITH MARY’ PILGRIMAGE TO FATIMA 7th to 14th June 2024. If interested contact Trevor Downs ‘A Day With Mary’ Tel: 020 8641 6418
Parish family pilgrimage to Walsingham.
Spend some joyful time together in the beautiful surroundings of the Norfolk countryside at England’s National Shrine of Mother Mary.
29th – 31st May 2024. Please see poster in the porch for further information or contact the parish office.
Deadline for interest 31st March.
THURSDAY LUNCH CLUB meets again on Thursday, 14th March 2024 at 12.30p.m.
FOOD BANK. You can make your donations before any mass in the crates in the Church Porch and they are taken to Bexley Food Bank on a Monday morning.
Saturday 9th March Lenten feria with comn of St Frances of Rome[TC]
9.00 a.m. Confessions
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+ 10.00 a.m. Low Mass [Latin 1962] Lule Olaj WB.
+ 6.30 p.m. Said FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT ‘Laetare Sunday’ (B) Mary and Arthur Hallett R.I.P.
Sunday 10th March
8.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+ 9.00 a.m. Sung. With children’s Liturgy of the Word. Ava Pereira TG on her second birthday.
+11.00 a.m. Solemn Latin Mass (in Latin with English Readings. Missa Quadragesimae) Ann Moloney PI
7.00 p.m. Parish Social Evening in Church Hall. All welcome.
Monday 11th March Lenten feria.
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+10.00 a.m. Leanne de Silva R.I.P. (first anniversary)
Tuesday 12th March Lenten feria with comn of St Casimir.
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+10.00 a.m. Joan Sullivan R.I.P. (12th anniversary)
Wednesday 13th March Lenten feria.
The Daily Rosary at home
Thursday 14th March Lenten feria.
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+10.00 a.m. Eric Antao R.I.P. (month’s mind)
12.00 noon Thursday Lunch Club.
Friday 15th March Lenten feria.
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+10.00 a.m. Gunter & Myrtle Prett R.I.P.(Muriel’s sister Myrtle, dd 25th February) followed by Lenten Reflections. All welcome.
6.00 p.m. Choir Practice.
7.30 p.m. Stations of the Cross
Saturday 16th March Lenten feria [TC]
9.00 a.m. Confessions
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+ 10.00 a.m. Low Mass [Latin 1962] Manuel Dos Santos R.I.P.
+ 6.30 p.m. Said FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT (B)Ann Gallogly R.I.P.(first anniversary)