Instaurare Omnia in Christo: "to restore all things in Christ."
Saturday 20th May St. Bernard of Sienna [TC]
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+ 10.00 a.m. [Latin 1962] Alice Carrasco R.I.P. (first anniversary)
6.00 p.m. Confessions
+ 6.30 p.m. SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Des Leahy R.I.P. (second anniversary)
Sunday 21st May
8.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+9.00 a.m. [SUNG] with Children's Liturgy. Micah Antao TG on his ninth birthday.
+11.00 a.m. [SOLEMN. Latin with English. Missa de Angelis] Monica Affonso R.I.P.
Monday 22nd May St. Rita of Cascia, religious.
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+10.00 a.m. Mary Bane R.I.P.
Tuesday 23rd May feria
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+10.00 a.m. Maria Fernandes R.I.P. birthday anniversary.
Wednesday 24th May feria
The Daily Rosary at home
NO PUBLIC MASS TODAY: Please refer to daily mass times at other local churches.
Thursday 25th May St Bede the venerable, priest and doctor of the Church, memorial.
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+10.00 a.m. The people of the parish.
Friday 26th May St. Philip Neri, priest, memorial.
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+10.00 a.m. Holy Souls
Saturday 27th May Vigil of Pentecost [TC]
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+ 10.00 a.m. [Latin 1962] Fr Romanus Shenouda P.I.
6.00 p.m. Confessions
+ 6.30 p.m. PENTECOST (Whit Sunday) Solemnity. Mary Etheridge R.I.P. (87th birthday anniversary)