Dear parishioners,
Please read the letter below from Archbishop John.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Grace and peace to you in the risen Lord Jesus.
We continue to live in challenging times. Our world is marked by the tragedy of war in Ukraine and other conflicts across the globe. We face the cost of living crisis and the impact of recovery from the pandemic which still significantly affects large numbers of people.
Amid all of this, we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord at Easter, his triumph over sin and death. Last week we welcomed the great celebration of the feast of Pentecost, the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on Our Lady and the apostles, impelling them to share the Good News of the resurrection. We too need this out-pouring of the Holy Spirit to strengthen our mission to share the Gospel.
I know that many of you felt joy and relief when we were able to return to our churches after the lockdown. We wanted to return to Mass, the source of our faith; to the place where we are spiritually restored and replenished. We recognize our need to receive the Lord Jesus sacramentally in the Eucharist, with each other, especially on Sundays, the Lord’s Day. Many, too, have expressed their sadness that, for various reasons, significant numbers of our fellow Catholics have yet return to Mass on Sundays. We know that a living relationship with the Lord Jesus is essential to our lives as disciples. He alone is able to provide what is needed for each of us, supremely so in the Mass.
Following Pentecost, as we re-enter ordinary time, I invite you to carry out a simple mission: in the coming days, your parish will be supplied with a short letter of invitation from me, which I invite you to share with anyone you know who has not yet returned to Mass on Sunday. This could be family, friends or neighbours. Do not be afraid, or fearful of the response. All I ask you to do is to pass on this personal invitation so that those who have not yet come back might be encouraged to rediscover the presence of the Lord Jesus in the Eucharist; that they might rekindle their relationship with the community of the Church; that they might be reminded that they are missed, appreciated and loved. Take courage and please pass on the letters which are available to anyone you think might need a word of encouragement.
With my gratitude and every blessing
Yours sincerely in Christ
The Most Reverend John Wilson
Archbishop of Southwark
‘Mass of the Ages’ Part 2.
On Ascension Day, the second of three instalments of ‘Mass of the Ages’ , two years in the making, was released on YouTube. These are films, each about an hour long, which have been funded by the donations of ordinary catholics and are of a high quality. Each episode of Mass of the Ages is not released on Youtube until it has first been released at cinemas in the USA.
Part 1, which many of you have seen, answers the questions ‘Why are people drawn to the Traditional Latin Mass? Why do families travel miles and miles to get to one? Why and how does it change and enrich people’s spiritual lives? Such questions as these are answered by a variety of people who give moving testimony to the spiritual power of Catholic Tradition and episode 1 has now been watched by millions of people. Mass of the Ages ‘Discover the Traditional Latin Mass’ Episode 1 can be viewed on:
Part 2, released on Ascension Day, answers such questions as ‘If the Traditional Latin Mass is so powerful, why was it changed? Is the new mass just a modernised version of the old mass? Can we see a continuity between the two? Why do some people think the new mass is not in evolutionary line with Catholic tradition but something revolutionary (this is clearly illustrated with a diagram of a growing tree and the growth of its branches and what it looked like after 1970). Who wrote the new mass? What motivated him/ them to write it and who was it written for? What’s the connection between children’s cartoon music and a certain modern setting of the mass? Some of the answers to these questions may lead you to ask more questions. I’m happy to discuss any points with you. Mass of the Ages Episode 2 ‘A Perfect Storm’ can be viewed on
CHANT DAY. Join us at St Thomas More for a day of practices in singing the praise of God through the most catholic form of Gregorian Chant. We will be practising the mass setting for Our Lady and antiphons and hymns in her honour. The day begins with Holy Mass at 10.00 a.m. and includes coffee and a three-course lunch. You need to book, so please go to the website of the Association for Latin in the Liturgy and book your place. Cost for the day and meal £20.00. Click buy now.
CONFIRMATION 2022 Confirmation Retreat: Friday 10th June – Sunday 12 June. Please note: Next Meeting on Sunday 19th June at 4.00 p.m. in the House. All confirmation candidates are asked to attend the Chant Day at St Thomas More from 10.00 a.m. until 4.00 p.m. on Saturday 2nd July. The day includes lots of singing and a three- course lunch. Please confirm attendance with Fr Jonathon by email this week for lunch arrangements. All confirmation can attend free.
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2022. Our children will be making their First Holy Communion at all masses on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th June. Please keep pray for them as they prepare for the happy day. Practise on Thursday 16th June at 6.00 p.m. in the church.
GUIDES CAKE SALE THIS SUNDAY We welcome back our Guides for another Cake Sale after both Sunday morning masses on 12th June 2022. The proceeds will be used to help raise funds for some of our Guides and Rangers go to Switzerland and also put towards the purchase any equipment needed for this and future camps. These camps help give our girls experiences that they otherwise may not have had out of Guiding.
‘Children’s Liturgy’ will be returning this Sunday.
Thanks from
1. The Catholic Children’s Society’s Southwark Crisis Fund for our donation of £407. 36. ‘Every penny of your donation has gone into the crisis fund and will directly help local vulnerable children and families in crisis. Recently we were able to help a mother and two children who had been sharing a single camp bed for four months. We helped the family buy beds and bedding so that they had a comfortable and warm place to sleep. The children’s Headteacher got in touch to say: ‘’ This will make the world of difference to this family at a very difficult time. Just knowing there are people out there who care means so much to them’’
2. Pax Christi for our donation of £57.00. If you would like to know more about the work of Pax Christi, please go to the website www.paxchristi.org.uk
3. Southwark Clergy Support Fund for the donation of £877.10. ‘In 2022, the generous support of your congregation will ensure the dignified care of 70 or more priests currently in retirement, and another ten priests due to retire over the next 12 months’
For all our brothers and sisters who ate the Body of Christ, the bread of Life, that they may be raised up on the Last Day. (Drawn from the intercession of the Funeral Mass)
Please pray for the soul of:
Christopher Brook who died on Saturday 7th May, aged 45.
Alice Carrasco who died on Sunday 22nd May 2022 aged 85.Her Funeral Requiem was on Tuesday 7th June.
Norah Brady who died on Monday 30th May 2022. Funeral details are awaited.
May the divine assistance remain with them always, and may their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.
Saturday 11th June Whit Saturday (TC)
9.00 a.m. Confessions
9.30 a.m. Rosary
+ 10.00 a.m. [Latin 1962] Vincenzo Brogna R.I.P.
+ 6.30 p.m. THE MOST HOLY TRINITY ( C ) Holy Souls
Sunday 12th June
8.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+ 9.00 a.m. SUNG. No children’s liturgy today. Ghislaine Gontier W.B.
+ 11.00 a.m. SOLEMN LATIN MASS (with English Readings/ missa orbis factor) The people of the parish.
7.00 p.m. Parish Social Evening in the Hall. All welcome.
Monday 13th June St. Anthony of Padua, priest & doctor of the church, memorial.
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+10.00 a.m. Christopher Brook R.I.P.
Tuesday 14th June feria.
8.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+9.00 a.m. priest’s private intention
Wednesday 15th June feria
The Daily Rosary at home.
Thursday 16th June St. Richard of Chichester, bishop.
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+10.00 a.m. Shireen Abu Akleh R.I.P.
1.00 p.m. Thursday Lunch Club.
Friday 17th June feria.
9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary
+10.00 a.m. Mark Paxton R.I.P. (first anniversary)
Saturday 18th June St. Ephrem the Syrian, deacon (TC)
9.30 a.m. Rosary
+ 10.00 a.m. (with First Holy Communions) Colin William Routh R.I.P.
[+ 6.30 p.m. CORPUS CHRISTI (with First Holy Communions) Sharon D’Souza T.G.]
JUNE PRAYER TO THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS An oblation to be made before a picture of statue of the Sacred Heart.

O my most loving Jesus! I,_(say your name here)____, in order to show my gratitude to you and to atone for my infidelities, give you my heart, and wholly dedicate and consecrate myself to you, and resolve with your help to sin no more.
With my Blessings,
Fr Jonathon