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Saturday 10th August - Saturday 17th August 2024


Nineteenth Week of ordinary time


MESSAGE FROM CAFOD Thank you to all the parishioners at St Thomas More for your generous donation, as recorded on contactless, cash and cheque of £783.31. Thanks to your parish kindness this lent, James the fisherman is now able to catch enough nutritious food to keep his family and crew fed and healthy. James now has the equipment he needs to fish safely and sustainably – a compass, life jacket and GPS tracking system- to find good fishing spots and return home safely. He also has a way of storing the fish he catches, so he brings more to shore for Cynthia, his wife and business partner, to sell. We’re also grateful for support from CCLA Investment Management, who kindly helped cover print and production costs this Lent, meaning your donation can go further in helping communities overseas. Thank you and God bless.

MESSAGE FROM BEXLEY SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF UNBORN CHILDREN. Bexley SPUC would like to thank Fr Jonathon, Annette, Pauline and all the parishioners of St Thomas More for a wonderful coffee morning on Sunday. We made a magnificent £100. I've probably said it before but it's worth repeating, we can do nothing without your support. Thanks, Rob.

SPUC Petition Event. Please do support the petition this weekend to remove the government’s punitive 2-child benefit cap. Petition cards will be available in church or you can sign online using the QR code or going to

End the British Government's cruel two-child benefit cap | SPUC

Did you know that BPAS, one of Britain's biggest abortion providers, has identified that the Government’s punitive two-child Universal Credit limit is “a significant factor” in many women deciding to abort their child?

TRADITIONES CUSTODES three years on: the cause of division not unity. Pick up the excellent summary of the situation from the National Catholic Register by Larry Chapp on the damaging effect of this motu proprio. Also if you have not read it, pick up the letter by several leading British public figures to the Pope regarding the Traditional Latin Mass and published in The Times.

CHANGE TO Cleaning rota. Because of unforeseen circumstances the next church cleaning date will be on Friday 16th of August at 11am and not on Saturday 17th, as originally arranged.  Some of you will not be able to make the Friday, however, I hope we will have a small team nevertheless. The church is looking much better since the rota began. Thank you all so much for offering your time and help. Apologies for any inconvenience because of this date change.

UCM MEETING. Our next UCM Meeting will take place at 11.30am on Saturday 17th August. This will be a very important social occasion.  Please make every effort to attend. If you have not been able to make a meeting yet, or you are interested in joining our group, you would be really welcome.

A big thank you to everyone who joined the meeting on the 24th July and made such thoughtful contributions to the discussion with Fr Doug, the UCM chaplain for Southwark.

There will be soft drinks and snacks at our meeting on the 17th August.


Fr Jonathon’s last services at St Thomas More will be:

1. Saturday 24th August at 10.00 a.m. for a sung Latin mass in the Traditional Form for the Feast of St Bartholomew.

2. Saturday 24th August at 6.30 p.m. for the Sunday Vigil Mass, Twenty-First of Ordinary Time, said.

3. Sunday 25th August at 9.00 a.m. sung and 11.00 a.m. solemn,

4. Finally, also on Sunday 25th August at 4.00 p.m. AN HOUR WITH THE LORD in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction.


Fr Innocent Ezeonyasi’s first masses at St Thomas More will be:

1. Saturday 31st August at 6.30 p.m.

2. Sunday 1st September at 9.00 a.m. and 11.00 a.m.


Fr Innocent’s Induction to the Parish will be on Saturday 21st September at 12.00 noon.


WEEKDAY MASS TIMES. Please note that until the end of August, weekday masses will usually be at 9.00 a.m. but please check the schedule carefully for any changes.

FOOD BANK. Donations can be made in the crate in the Church Porch and they are taken to the Bexley Food Bank on a Monday morning.

WEEKDAY EVENING MASS at St Anselm’s, West Hill, Dartford DA1 2HJ Monday – Friday at 7.00 p.m., with Divine Mercy Devotion before mass and rosary after. Please sign in your car before Mass at the tablet in the porch.


DAYS WITH MARY Saturday 24th August 2024 at St George’s Cathedral, from 10.15 to 5.15 p.m.


FATIMA PILGRIMAGE 21ST – 24TH OCTOBER 2024 Cost: £399, flight from Gatwick, half board, transfer from Lisbon to/from Fatima.  Please contact Fr Stephen: Tel: 01322 220075

The Divine Mercy Apostolate, is holding a Celebration of St Faustina Birthday at Aylesford Priory, Aylesford, Kent on Monday 26th August 2024 from 10 am to 4:30 pm. The reflection day will include teachings on the message of Divine Mercy, Holy Mass, Hour of Mercy with Stations of the Cross, Adoration & Benediction and Veneration of the Image of Merciful Jesus. All welcome. Call Millie on 07957594646 for more information.

Entrance Mat Fundraising. Thanks to the initiative of one of our parishioners, a large mat has been designed with our parish name and logo for the porch. It had been noted that on rainy days, water was damaging the polished wooden floor and created a slip hazard. The mat has been designed specifically for our porch and will cost £1000 to make. Donations can be made in all of the usual ways. See the poster in the porch for further information.

Parish Family Fun Day. Sunday 15th September from 12pm.

After the success of last year’s family fun day, we will be fundraising for the parish again this year with a BBQ, bouncy castle, face painting and lots more for all the family.

If you have any unused items that can be donated towards the raffle, please hand them to Melissa or one of the Fun Day team after mass. Raffle tickets and entry tickets will be on sale from this weekend after mass. You can also signup to donate cakes with one of the team. If you would like to have a stall on the day or can volunteer to help in any way please contact Melissa at Please see the poster in the porch for more information.

Formation days for readers and extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, coming up on Saturday 19th October at St Stephen’s Church, Welling for the Deaneries of Bexley, Bromley, and Greenwich and on Saturday 26th October, at Bishop Thomas Grant School, Streatham, for the Deaneries of Camberwell, Lewisham, and Lambeth.

All Readers and Extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist are encouraged to attend one of these days.

Each of the days will begin with tea and coffee at 9:30am, there will be three presentations and the day will end with Mass at 3pm. The theme for this year is –“Called to Holiness”, in preparation for the Jubilee year and to help us all live a good Christian life amidst the daily challenges of life.


Please inform the parish office as soon as possible at to register your attendance. To date we have no one signed up from our parish.

THURSDAY LUNCH CLUB Next meeting: Thursday 12th September when our Lunch Club will meet again after the summer break.

SUNDAY CHILDRENS’ LITURGY OF THE WORD are on their summer break until September.


FAREWELL COLLECTION FOR FR. JONATHON. There is a basket in the porch for donations towards a farewell gift for Fr. Jonathon who will be moving to Ramsgate in September. You can also donate on the contactless devices using the ‘Fr. Jonathon Collection’ option or you can make a bank transfer quoting ‘Fr. Jonathon Collection’ as the reference. Bank details can be found on the parish website or by contacting the parish office.



Sunday 29th September from 10am in the hall. Please see the poster in the porch for more information. Please contact the parish office if you are available to donate cakes or can volunteer on the day.



Please pray for the soul of:

Kathleen Leahy, parishioner of St Thomas More with her late husband Des for over 60 years, who died on Thursday, 1st August 2024, aged 97.

Her funeral will be on Tuesday 3rd September.

May she rest in peace.


Nineteenth week of ordinary time 2024


Saturday 10th August St. Lawrence, deacon & martyr [TC]

9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary

+ 10.00 a.m. [Latin 1962] Steve Shea W.B.

+ 6.30 p.m. SAID.NINETEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME B Barry Parr (Marilyn’s brother in law) R.I.P.


Sunday 11th August

8.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary

+ 9.00 a.m. SUNG The people of the parish

+11.00 a.m. SOLEMN Latin Mass (in Latin with English Readings, missa Orbis Factor) Ann Moloney P.I.

7.00 p.m. Parish Social Evening in Church Hall. All welcome.


Monday 12th August St. Jane Frances de Chantal, religious.

8.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary

+ 9.00 a.m. Ellen Barrett R.I.P.


Tuesday 13th August Ss Pontian & Hyppolytus, priest, martyrs.

8.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary

+ 9.00 a.m. Gladys Bowers R.I.P.


Wednesday 14th August St Maximilian Mary Kolbe, priest & martyr, memorial.

The Daily Rosary at home



Thursday 15th August THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, Solemnity, Holyday of Obligation.

8.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary

+9.00 a.m. Emily & Harry Yeates R.I.P.

+7.00 p.m. Kathleen Leahy R.I.P.


Friday 16th August St Stephen of Hungary

8.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary

+ 9.00 a.m. Mena Pereira R.I.P.


6.00 p.m. Choir Practice (as usual).


Saturday 17th August St. Hyacinth, confessor [TC]

9.30 a.m. The Daily Rosary

+ 10.00 a.m. [Latin 1962] Holy Souls



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